
Proxy Open Service Interface Definitions proxy version 3.0.0

The Proxy OSID helps a consumer map external data, such as that received via a server request, into a Proxy that can be used with OSID proxy managers. Then purpose of this OSID is to modularize assumptions made about the input data into another OSID Provider, such as the authentication or localization information.

The Proxy represents the OsidResult of an evaluation of the input OsidCondition performed by the Proxy OSID Provider. The resulting Proxy is meant to be passed to OsidProxyManagers. The Proxy OSID is the glue between the application server environment and the OSID services.

The input data may be anything acceptable to a ProxyCondition record Type. The ProxyCondition record Types are aligned with the application server environment while the Proxy record Types are aligned with OSID Providers. This alignment poses various interoperability issues and as such it might be helpful to be very broad in what may be specified in a ProxyCondition so that this service may produce the variety of Proxy records needed by the services in the OSID environment.

Some data is defined in the ProxyCondition. This in no way implies support of this input by an OSID Provider. The resulting OsidSession indicates what actually happened.


An example using a specifier record for an http request:

ProxyCondition condition = proxySession.getProxyCondition(); HttpRequestRecord record = condition.getProxyConditionRecord(httpRequestRecordType); record.setHttpRequest(servletRequest);

Proxy proxy = proxySession.getProxy(condition);