Tutorial: DLKit Learning Service Basics

This tutorial is under development. It currently focuses on aspects of the Learning service. At the time of this writing, MIT’s Office of Digital Learning is supporting a production learning objective management service called the MIT Core Concept Catalog (MC3). DLKit includes an underlying implementation that uses MC3 for persistence. As a result, this tutorial uses examples primarily from this particular service, which deals with managing learning objectives, learning paths and relationships between learning objectives and educational assets, assessments, etc, since there is data available for testing.

All of the other DLKit Interface Specifications build on most of the same patterns outlined in this tutorial, beginning with loading managers. Make sure that the dlkit package is in your python path or install the library.

The Runtime Manager and Proxy Authentication

Service managers are instantiated through a Runtime Manger, which are designed to work with certain runtime environments, like Django or edX/XBlock runtimes. To get access to these runtime environments please contact dlkit-info@mit.edu. Install the runtime environment you want to use and make sure that your Django project’s settings.py includes dlkit_django or dlkit_xblock as appropriate.

Now you can get the RuntimeManager root instance for your runtime environment. Note that there is only one, and it gets instantiated at environment launch time, it is thread-safe and used by all consumer application sessions:

from dlkit_django import runtime

This runtime object is your gateway to access all the underlying service managers and their respective service sessions and functionality

The django runtime knows about Django’s own services for users. You will have access to an HTTPRequest object that includes an user authentication (the request variable in the examples below). This needs to be encapsulated in a Proxy object:

from dlkit_django import PROXY_SESSION
condition = PROXY_SESSION.get_proxy_condition()
proxy = PROXY_SESSION.get_proxy(condition)

Or, if you are standing up dlkit in edX, get an XBlockUser() object from the xblock runtime. That object is assumed to be stored the ‘xblock_user’ variable below:

from dlkit_xblock import PROXY_SESSION
condition = PROXY_SESSION.get_proxy_condition()
proxy = PROXY_SESSION.get_proxy(condition)

Now you have a Proxy object that holds the user data and eventually other stuff, like locale information, etc, that can be used to instantiate new service Managers, which you can also insert into your HttpRequest.session:

from dlkit_django import RUNTIME
request.session.lm = RUNTIME.get_service_manager('LEARNING', proxy)

For the duration of the session you can use this for all the other things. that you normally do.

There is a lot more you can do with the RuntimeManager, but getting service managers will be the most common task. One of the other important tasks of this manager, is configuration the underlying service stack based on the configs.py file and associated helpers. We will cover this later.

Loading the Learning Manager

All consumer applications wishing to use the DLKit Learning service should start by instantiating a LearningManager (don’t worry about the proxy for now):

lm = runtime.get_service_manager('LEARNING')

Everything you need to do within the learning service can now be accessed through this manager. An OSID service Manager is used like a factory, providing all the other objects necessary for using the service. You should never try to instantiate any other OSID object directly, even if you know where its class definition resides.

The simplest thing you can do with a manager is to inspect its display_name and description methods. Note that DLKit always returns user-readable strings as DisplayText objects. The actual text is available via the get_text() method. Other DisplayText methods return the LanguageType, ScriptType and FormatType of the text to be displayed:

print "Learning Manager successfully instantiated:"
print "  " + lm.get_display_name().get_text()
print "  " + lm.get_description().get_text()
print ("  (this description was written using the " +
    lm.get_description().get_language_type().get_display_label().get_text() +
    " language)\n")

Results in something that looks like this:

Learning Manager successfully instantiated:
  MC3 Learning Service
  OSID learning service implementation of the MIT Core Concept Catalog (MC3)
  (this description was written using the English language)

  # Note that the implementation name and description may be different for you.
  # It will depend on which underlying service implementation your dlkit library is
  # configured to point to.  More on this later

Alternatively, the Python OSID service interfaces also specify property attributes for all basic “getter” methods, so the above could also be written more Pythonically as:

print "Learning Manager successfully instantiated:"
print "  " + lm.display_name.text
print "  " + lm.description.text
print ("  (this description was written using the " +
    lm.description.language_type.display_label.text + " language)\n")

For the remainder of this tutorial we will use the property attributes wherever available.

Looking up Objective Banks

Managers encapsulate service profile information, allowing a consumer application to ask questions about which functions are supported in the underlying service implementations that it manages:

if lm.supports_objective_bank_lookup():
    print "This Learning Manager can be used to lookup ObjectiveBanks"
    print "What a lame Learning Manager. It can't even lookup ObjectiveBanks"

The LearningManager also provides methods for getting ObjectiveBanks. One of the most useful is get_objective_banks(), which will return an iterator containing all the banks known to the underlying implementations. This is also available as a property, so treating objective_banks as an attribute works here too:

if lm.supports_objective_bank_lookup():
    banks = lm.objective_banks
    for bank in banks:
        print bank.display_name.text
    print "Objective bank lookup is not supported."

This will print a list of the names of all the banks, which can be thought of as catalogs for organizing learning objectives and other related information. At the time of this writing the following resulted:

Chemistry Bridge
Python Test Sandbox

Note that the OSIDs specify to first ask whether a functional area is supported before trying to use it. However, if you wish to adhere to the Pythonic EAFP (easier to ask forgiveness than permission) programming style, managers will throw an Unimplemented exception if support is not available:

    banks = lm.objective_banks
except Unimplemented:
    print "Objective bank lookup is not supported."
    for bank in banks:
        print bank.display_name.text

The object returned from the call to get_objective_banks() is an OsidList object, which as you can see from the example is just a Python iterator. Like all iterators it is “wasting”, meaning that, unlike a Python list it will be completely used up and empty after all the elements have been retrieved.

Like any iterator an OsidList object can be cast as a more persistent Python list, like so:

banks = list(obls.objective_banks)

Which is useful if the consuming application needs to keep it around for a while. However, when we start dealing with OsidLists from service implementations which may return very large result sets, or where the underlying data changes often, casting as a list may not be wise. Developers are encouraged to treat these as iterators to the extent possible, and refresh from the session as necessary.

You can also inspect the number of available elements in the expected way:

    # or
banks = obls.objective_banks

And walk through the list one-at-a-time, in for statements, or by calling next():

banks = lm.objective_banks
crosslinks_bank = banks.next() # At the time of this writing, Crosslinks was first
chem_bridge_bank = banks.next() # and Chemistry Bridge was second


To begin working with OSID objects, like ObjectiveBanks it is important to understand how the OSIDs deal with identity. When an OSID object is asked for its id an OSID Id object is returned. This is not a ``string``. It is the unique identifier object for the OSID object. Any requests for getting a specific object by its unique identifier will be accomplished through passing this Id object back through the service.

Ids are obtained by calling an OSID object’s get_id() method, which also provides an ident attribute property associated with it for convenience (id is a reserved word in Python so it is not used)

OsidObject.ident Gets the Id associated with this instance of this OSID object.

So we can try this out:

crosslinks_bank_id = crosslinks_bank.ident
chem_bridge_bank_id = chem_bridge_bank.ident

Ids can be compared for equality:

crosslinks_bank_id == chem_bridge_bank_id
    # should return False

crosslinks_bank_id in [crosslinks_bank_id, chem_bridge_bank_id]
    # should return True

If a consumer wishes to persist the identifier then it should serialize the returned Id object, and all Ids can provide a string representation for this purpose:

id_str_to_perist = str(crosslinks_bank_id)

A consumer application can also stand up an Id from a persisted string. There is an implementation of the Id primitive object available through the runtime environment for this purpose. For instance, from the dlkit_django package:

from dlkit_django.primordium import Id
crosslinks_bank_id = Id(id_str_to_persist)

Once an application has its hands on an Id object it can go ahead and retrieve the corresponding Osid Object through a Lookup Session:

crosslinks_bank_redux = obls.get_objective_bank(crosslinks_bank_id)

We now have two different objects representing the same Crosslinks bank, which can be determined by comparing Ids:

crosslinks_bank_redux == crosslinks_bank
    # should be False

crosslinks_bank_redux.ident == crosslinks_bank_id
    # should be True

Looking up Objectives

ObjectiveBanks provide methods for looking up and retrieving learning Objectives, in bulk, by Id, or by Type. Some of the more useful methods include:

ObjectiveBank.can_lookup_objectives() Tests if this user can perform Objective lookups.
ObjectiveBank.objectives Gets all Objectives.
ObjectiveBank.get_objective(objective_id) Gets the Objective specified by its Id.
ObjectiveBank.get_objectives_by_genus_type(...) Gets an ObjectiveList corresponding to the given objective genus Type which does not include objectives of genus types derived from the specified Type.

So let’s try to find an Objective in the Crosslinks bank with a display name of “Definite integral”. (Note, that there are also methods for querying Objectives by various attributes. More on that later.):

for objective in crosslinks_bank:
    if objective.display_name.text == 'Definite integral':
        def_int_obj = objective

Now we have our hands on an honest-to-goodness learning objective as defined by an honest-to-goodness professor at MIT!

Authorization Hints

Many service implementations will require authentication and authorization for security purposes (authn/authz). Authorization checks will be done when the consuming application actually tries to invoke a method for which authz is required, and if its found that the currently logged-in user is not authorized, then the implementation will raise a PermissionDenied error.

However, sometimes its nice to be able to check in advance whether or not the user is likely to be denied access. This way a consuming application can decide, for instance, to hide or “gray out” UI widgets for doing un-permitted functions. This is what the methods like can_lookup_objectives are for. They simply return a boolean.

The Objective Object

Objectives inherit from OsidObjects (ObjectiveBanks do too, by the way), which means there are a few methods they share with all other OsidObjects defined by the specification

OsidObject.display_name Gets the preferred display name associated with this instance of this OSID object appropriate for display to the user.
OsidObject.description Gets the description associated with this instance of this OSID object.
OsidObject.genus_type Gets the genus type of this object.

The display_name and description attributes work exactly like they did for ObjectiveBanks and both return a Displaytext object that can be interrogated for its text or the format, language, script of the text to be displayed. We’ll get to genus_type in a little bit

Additionally Objectives objects can hold some information particular to the kind of data that they manage:

Objective.has_assessment() Tests if an assessment is associated with this objective.
Objective.assessment Gets the assessment associated with this learning objective.
Objective.assessment_id Gets the assessment Id associated with this learning objective.
Objective.has_cognitive_process() Tests if this objective has a cognitive process type.
Objective.cognitive_process Gets the grade associated with the cognitive process.
Objective.cognitive_process_id Gets the grade Id associated with the cognitive process.
Objective.has_knowledge_category() Tests if this objective has a knowledge dimension.
Objective.knowledge_category Gets the grade associated with the knowledge dimension.
Objective.knowledge_category_id Gets the grade Id associated with the knowledge dimension.

OSID Types

The OSID specification defines Types as a way to indicate additional agreements between service consumers and service providers. A Type is similar to an Id but includes other data for display and organization:

Type.display_name Gets the full display name of this Type.
Type.display_label Gets the shorter display label for this Type.
Type.description Gets a description of this Type.
Type.domain Gets the domain.

Types also include identification elements so as to uniquely identify one Type from another:

Type.authority Gets the authority of this Type.
Type.namespace Gets the namespace of the identifier.
Type.identifier Gets the identifier of this Type.

Consuming applications will often need to persist Types for future use. Persisting a type reference requires persisting all three of these identification elements.

For instance the MC3 service implementation supports two different types of Objectives, which help differentiate between topic type objectives and learning outcome type objectives. One way to store, say, the topic type for future programmatic reference might be to put it in a dict:

    'authority': 'MIT-OEIT',
    'namespace': 'mc3-objective',
    'identifier': 'mc3.learning.topic'

The OSIDs also specify functions for looking up types that are defined and/or supported, and as one might imagine, there is TypeLookupSession specifically designed for this purpose. This session, however, is not defined in the learning service package, it is found in the type package, which therefore requires a TypeManager be instantiated:

tm = runtime.get_service_manager('LEARNING', <proxy>)
if tm.supports_type_lookup():
    tls = tm.get_type_lookup_session()

The TypeLookupSession provides a number of ways to get types, two of which are sufficient to get started:


For kicks, let’s print a list of all the Types supported by the implementation:

for typ in tls.types:
    print typ.display_label.text

# For the MC3 implementation this should result in a very long list

Also, we can pass the dict we created earlier to the session to get the actual Type object representing the three identification elements we persisted:

topic_type = tls.get_type(**OBJECTIVE_TOPIC_TYPE)
print topic_type.display_label.text + ': ' + topic_type.description.text

# This should print the string 'Topic: Objective that represents a learning topic'

(More to come)