

class dlkit.grading.objects.Grade

Bases: dlkit.osid.objects.OsidObject, dlkit.osid.markers.Subjugateable

A Grade.

Grades represent qualified performance levels defined within some grading system.


Gets the GradeSystem Id in which this grade belongs.

Returns:the grade system Id
Return type:osid.id.Id

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the GradeSystem in which this grade belongs.

Returns:the grade system
Return type:osid.grading.GradeSystem

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the low end of the input score range equivalent to this grade.

Returns:the start range
Return type:decimal

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the high end of the input score range equivalent to this grade.

Returns:the end range
Return type:decimal

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the output score for this grade used for calculating cumultives or performing articulation.

Returns:the output score
Return type:decimal

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the grade record corresponding to the given Grade record Type.

This method is used to retrieve an object implementing the requested record. The grade_record_type may be the Type returned in get_record_types() or any of its parents in a Type hierarchy where has_record_type(grade_record_type) is true .

Parameters:grade_record_type (osid.type.Type) – the type of the record to retrieve
Returns:the grade record
Return type:osid.grading.records.GradeRecord
Raise:NullArgumentgrade_record_type is null
Raise:OperationFailed – unable to complete request
Raise:Unsupportedhas_record_type(grade_record_type) is false

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.

Grade Form

class dlkit.grading.objects.GradeForm

Bases: dlkit.osid.objects.OsidObjectForm, dlkit.osid.objects.OsidSubjugateableForm

This is the form for creating and updating Grades.

Like all OsidForm objects, various data elements may be set here for use in the create and update methods in the GradeAdminSession. For each data element that may be set, metadata may be examined to provide display hints or data constraints.


Gets the metadata for the input score start range.

Returns:metadata for the input score start range
Return type:osid.Metadata

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the metadata for the input score start range.

Returns:metadata for the input score start range
Return type:osid.Metadata

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the metadata for the output score start range.

Returns:metadata for the output score start range
Return type:osid.Metadata

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the GradeFormRecord corresponding to the given grade record Type.

Parameters:grade_record_type (osid.type.Type) – the grade record type
Returns:the grade form record
Return type:osid.grading.records.GradeFormRecord
Raise:NullArgumentgrade_record_type is null
Raise:OperationFailed – unable to complete request
Raise:Unsupportedhas_record_type(grade_record_type) is false

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.

Grade List

class dlkit.grading.objects.GradeList

Bases: dlkit.osid.objects.OsidList

Like all OsidLists, GradeList provides a means for accessing Grade elements sequentially either one at a time or many at a time.

Examples: while (gl.hasNext()) { Grade grade = gl.getNextGrade(); }

while (gl.hasNext()) {
Grade[] grades = gl.getNextGrades(gl.available());



Gets the next Grade in this list.

Returns:the next Grade in this list. The has_next() method should be used to test that a next Grade is available before calling this method.
Return type:osid.grading.Grade
Raise:IllegalState – no more elements available in this list
Raise:OperationFailed – unable to complete request

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the next set of Grade elements in this list which must be less than or equal to the return from available().

Parameters:n (cardinal) – the number of Grade elements requested which must be less than or equal to available()
Returns:an array of Grade elements.The length of the array is less than or equal to the number specified.
Return type:osid.grading.Grade
Raise:IllegalState – no more elements available in this list
Raise:OperationFailed – unable to complete request

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.

Grade System

class dlkit.grading.objects.GradeSystem

Bases: dlkit.osid.objects.OsidObject, dlkit.osid.markers.Aggregateable

A GradeSystem represents a grading system.

The system can be based on assigned Grades or based on a numeric scale.


Tests if the grading system is based on grades.

Returns:true if the grading system is based on grades, false if the system is a numeric score
Return type:boolean

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the grade Ids in this system ranked from highest to lowest.

Returns:the list of grades Ids
Return type:osid.id.IdList
Raise:IllegalStateis_based_on_grades() is false

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the grades in this system ranked from highest to lowest.

Returns:the list of grades
Return type:osid.grading.GradeList
Raise:IllegalStateis_based_on_grades() is false
Raise:OperationFailed – unable to complete request

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the lowest number in a numeric grading system.

Returns:the lowest number
Return type:decimal
Raise:IllegalStateis_based_on_grades() is true

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the incremental step.

Returns:the increment
Return type:decimal
Raise:IllegalStateis_based_on_grades() is true

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the highest number in a numeric grading system.

Returns:the highest number
Return type:decimal
Raise:IllegalStateis_based_on_grades() is true

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the grade system record corresponding to the given GradeSystem record Type.

This method is used to retrieve an object implementing the requested record. The grade_system_record_type may be the Type returned in get_record_types() or any of its parents in a Type hierarchy where has_record_type(grade_system_record_type) is true .

Parameters:grade_system_record_type (osid.type.Type) – the type of the record to retrieve
Returns:the grade system record
Return type:osid.grading.records.GradeSystemRecord
Raise:NullArgumentgrade_system_record_type is null
Raise:OperationFailed – unable to complete request
Raise:Unsupportedhas_record_type(grade_system_record_type) is false

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.

Grade System Form

class dlkit.grading.objects.GradeSystemForm

Bases: dlkit.osid.objects.OsidObjectForm, dlkit.osid.objects.OsidAggregateableForm

This is the form for creating and updating GradeSystems.

Like all OsidForm objects, various data elements may be set here for use in the create and update methods in the GradeSystemAdminSession. For each data element that may be set, metadata may be examined to provide display hints or data constraints.


Gets the metadata for a grade-based designation.

Returns:metadata for the grade-based designation
Return type:osid.Metadata

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the metadata for the lowest numeric score.

Returns:metadata for the lowest numeric score
Return type:osid.Metadata

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the metadata for the lowest numeric score.

Returns:metadata for the lowest numeric score
Return type:osid.Metadata

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the metadata for the highest numeric score.

Returns:metadata for the highest numeric score
Return type:osid.Metadata

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the GradeSystemFormRecord corresponding to the given grade system record Type.

Parameters:grade_system_record_type (osid.type.Type) – the grade system record type
Returns:the grade system form record
Return type:osid.grading.records.GradeSystemFormRecord
Raise:NullArgumentgrade_system_record_type is null
Raise:OperationFailed – unable to complete request
Raise:Unsupportedhas_record_type(grade_system_record_type) is false

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.

Grade System List

class dlkit.grading.objects.GradeSystemList

Bases: dlkit.osid.objects.OsidList

Like all OsidLists, GradeSystemList provides a means for accessing GradeSystem elements sequentially either one at a time or many at a time.

Examples: while (gsl.hasNext()) { GradeSystem system = gsl.getNextGradeSystem(); }

while (gsl.hasNext()) {
GradeSystem[] systems = gsl.getNextGradeSystems(gsl.available());



Gets the next GradeSystem in this list.

Returns:the next GradeSystem in this list. The has_next() method should be used to test that a next GradeSystem is available before calling this method.
Return type:osid.grading.GradeSystem
Raise:IllegalState – no more elements available in this list
Raise:OperationFailed – unable to complete request

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the next set of GradeSystem elements in this list which must be less than or equal to the return from available().

Parameters:n (cardinal) – the number of GradeSystem elements requested which must be less than or equal to available()
Returns:an array of GradeSystem elements.The length of the array is less than or equal to the number specified.
Return type:osid.grading.GradeSystem
Raise:IllegalState – no more elements available in this list
Raise:OperationFailed – unable to complete request

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.

Grade Entry

class dlkit.grading.objects.GradeEntry

Bases: dlkit.osid.objects.OsidRelationship

A GradeEntry represents an entry in a Gradebook.


Gets the Id of the GradebookColumn.

Returns:the Id of the GradebookColumn
Return type:osid.id.Id

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the GradebookColumn.

Returns:the GradebookColumn
Return type:osid.grading.GradebookColumn
Raise:OperationFailed – unable to complete request

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the Id of the key resource of this entry.

The key resource may be a student or other applicable key to identify a row of grading entries.

Returns:Id of the key resource
Return type:osid.id.Id

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the key resource of this entry.

The key resource may be a student or other applicable key to identify a row of grading entries.

Returns:the key resource
Return type:osid.resource.Resource
Raise:OperationFailed – unable to complete request

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Tests if this is a calculated entry.

Returns:true if this entry is a calculated entry, false otherwise. If true, then overrides_calculated_entry() must be false.
Return type:boolean

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Tests if this is a manual entry that overrides a calculated entry.

Returns:true if this entry overrides a calculated entry, false otherwise. If true, then is_derived() must be false.
Return type:boolean

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the calculated entry Id this entry overrides.

Returns:the calculated entry Id
Return type:osid.id.Id
Raise:IllegalStateoverrides_derived_entry() is false

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the calculated entry this entry overrides.

Returns:the calculated entry
Return type:osid.grading.GradeEntry
Raise:IllegalStateoverrides_calculated_entry() is false
Raise:OperationFailed – unable to complete request

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Tests if this is entry should be ignored in any averaging, scaling or curve calculation.

Returns:true if this entry is ignored, false otherwise
Return type:boolean

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Tests if a grade or score has been assigned to this entry.

Generally, an entry is created with a grade or score.

Returns:true if a grade has been assigned, false otherwise
Return type:boolean

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the grade Id in this entry if the grading system is based on grades.

Returns:the grade Id
Return type:osid.id.Id
Raise:IllegalStateis_graded() is false or GradeSystem.isBasedOnGrades() is false

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the grade in this entry if the grading system is based on grades.

Returns:the grade
Return type:osid.grading.Grade
Raise:IllegalStateis_graded() is false or GradeSystem.isBasedOnGrades() is false
Raise:OperationFailed – unable to complete request

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the score in this entry if the grading system is not based on grades.

Returns:the score
Return type:decimal
Raise:IllegalStateis_graded() is false or GradeSystem.isBasedOnGrades() is true

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the time the gradeable object was graded.

Returns:the timestamp of the grading entry
Return type:osid.calendaring.DateTime
Raise:IllegalStateis_graded() is false or is_derived() is true

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the Id of the Resource that created this entry.

Returns:the Id of the Resource
Return type:osid.id.Id
Raise:IllegalStateis_graded() is false or is_derived() is true

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the Resource that created this entry.

Returns:the Resource
Return type:osid.resource.Resource
Raise:IllegalStateis_graded() is false or is_derived() is true
Raise:OperationFailed – unable to complete request

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the Id of the Agent that created this entry.

Returns:the Id of the Agent
Return type:osid.id.Id
Raise:IllegalStateis_graded() is false or is_derived() is true

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the Agent that created this entry.

Returns:the Agent
Return type:osid.authentication.Agent
Raise:IllegalStateis_graded() is false or is_derived() is true
Raise:OperationFailed – unable to complete request

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the grade entry record corresponding to the given GradeEntry record Type.

This method is used to retrieve an object implementing the requested record. The grade_entry_record_type may be the Type returned in get_record_types() or any of its parents in a Type hierarchy where has_record_type(grade_entry_record_type) is true .

Parameters:grade_entry_record_type (osid.type.Type) – the type of the record to retrieve
Returns:the grade entry record
Return type:osid.grading.records.GradeEntryRecord
Raise:NullArgumentgrade_entry_record_type is null
Raise:OperationFailed – unable to complete request
Raise:Unsupportedhas_record_type(grade_entry_record_type) is false

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.

Grade Entry Form

class dlkit.grading.objects.GradeEntryForm

Bases: dlkit.osid.objects.OsidRelationshipForm

This is the form for creating and updating GradeEntries.

Like all OsidForm objects, various data elements may be set here for use in the create and update methods in the GradeEntryAdminSession. For each data element that may be set, metadata may be examined to provide display hints or data constraints.


Gets the metadata for the ignore flag.

Returns:metadata for the ignore flag
Return type:osid.Metadata

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the metadata for a grade.

Returns:metadata for the grade
Return type:osid.Metadata

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the metadata for a score.

Returns:metadata for the score
Return type:osid.Metadata

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the GradeEntryFormRecord corresponding to the given grade entry record Type.

Parameters:grade_entry_record_type (osid.type.Type) – the grade entry record type
Returns:the grade entry form record
Return type:osid.grading.records.GradeEntryFormRecord
Raise:NullArgumentgrade_entry_record_type is null
Raise:OperationFailed – unable to complete request
Raise:Unsupportedhas_record_type(grade_entry_record_type) is false

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.

Grade Entry List

class dlkit.grading.objects.GradeEntryList

Bases: dlkit.osid.objects.OsidList

Like all OsidLists, GradeEntryList provides a means for accessing GradeEntry elements sequentially either one at a time or many at a time.

Examples: while (gel.hasNext()) { GradeEntry entry = gel.getNextGradeEntry(); }

while (gel.hasNext()) {
GradeEntry[] entries = gel.getNextGradeEntries(gel.available());



Gets the next GradeEntry in this list.

Returns:the next GradeEntry in this list. The has_next() method should be used to test that a next GradeEntry is available before calling this method.
Return type:osid.grading.GradeEntry
Raise:IllegalState – no more elements available in this list
Raise:OperationFailed – unable to complete request

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the next set of GradeEntry elements in this list which must be less than or equal to the number returned from available().

Parameters:n (cardinal) – the number of GradeEntry elements requested which should be less than or equal to available()
Returns:an array of GradeEntry elements.The length of the array is less than or equal to the number specified.
Return type:osid.grading.GradeEntry
Raise:IllegalState – no more elements available in this list
Raise:OperationFailed – unable to complete request

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.

Gradebook Column

class dlkit.grading.objects.GradebookColumn

Bases: dlkit.osid.objects.OsidObject

A GradebookColumn represents a series of grade entries in a gradebook.

Each GradeEntry in a column share the same GradeSystem.


Gets the GradeSystem Id in which this grade belongs.

Returns:the grade system Id
Return type:osid.id.Id

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the GradeSystem in which this grade belongs.

Returns:the package grade system
Return type:osid.grading.GradeSystem
Raise:OperationFailed – unable to complete request

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the gradebook column record corresponding to the given GradeBookColumn record Type.

This method ie used to retrieve an object implementing the requested record. The gradebook_column_record_type may be the Type returned in get_record_types() or any of its parents in a Type hierarchy where has_record_type(gradebook_column_record_type) is true .

Parameters:gradebook_column_record_type (osid.type.Type) – the type of the record to retrieve
Returns:the gradebook column record
Return type:osid.grading.records.GradebookColumnRecord
Raise:NullArgumentgradebook_column_record_type is null
Raise:OperationFailed – unable to complete request
Raise:Unsupportedhas_record_type(gradebook_column_record_type) is false

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.

Gradebook Column Form

class dlkit.grading.objects.GradebookColumnForm

Bases: dlkit.osid.objects.OsidObjectForm

This is the form for creating and updating GradebookColumns.

Like all OsidForm objects, various data elements may be set here for use in the create and update methods in the GradebookAdminSession. For each data element that may be set, metadata may be examined to provide display hints or data constraints.


Gets the metadata for a grade system.

Returns:metadata for the grade system
Return type:osid.Metadata

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the GradebookColumnFormRecord corresponding to the given gradebook column record Type.

Parameters:gradebook_column_record_type (osid.type.Type) – a gradebook column record type
Returns:the gradebook column form record
Return type:osid.grading.records.GradebookColumnFormRecord
Raise:NullArgumentgradebook_column_record_type is null
Raise:OperationFailed – unable to complete request
Raise:Unsupportedhas_record_type(gradebook_column_record_type) is false

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.

Gradebook Column List

class dlkit.grading.objects.GradebookColumnList

Bases: dlkit.osid.objects.OsidList

Like all OsidLists, GradebookColumnList provides a means for accessing GradebookColumn elements sequentially either one at a time or many at a time.

Examples: while (gcl.hasNext()) { GradebookColumn column = gcl.getNextGradebookColumn(); }

while (gcl.hasNext()) {
GradebookColumn[] columns = gcl.getNextGradebookColumns(gcl.available());



Gets the next GradebookColumn in this list.

Returns:the next GradebookColumn in this list. The has_next() method should be used to test that a next GradebookColumn is available before calling this method.
Return type:osid.grading.GradebookColumn
Raise:IllegalState – no more elements available in this list
Raise:OperationFailed – unable to complete request

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the next set of GradebookColumn elements in this list which must be less than or equal to the return from available().

Parameters:n (cardinal) – the number of GradebookColumn elements requested which must be less than or equal to available()
Returns:an array of GradebookColumn elements.The length of the array is less than or equal to the number specified.
Return type:osid.grading.GradebookColumn
Raise:IllegalState – no more elements available in this list
Raise:OperationFailed – unable to complete request

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.

Gradebook Column Summary

class dlkit.grading.objects.GradebookColumnSummary

Bases: dlkit.osid.objects.OsidObject

A GradebookColumnSummary is a summary of all entries within a gradebook column.


Gets the Id of the GradebookColumn.

Returns:the Id of the GradebookColumn
Return type:osid.id.Id

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the GradebookColumn.

Returns:the GradebookColumn
Return type:osid.grading.GradebookColumn
Raise:OperationFailed – unable to complete request

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the mean score.

If this system is based on grades, the mean output score is returned.

Returns:the mean score
Return type:decimal

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the median score.

If this system is based on grades, the mean output score is returned.

Returns:the median score
Return type:decimal

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the mode of the score.

If this system is based on grades, the mode of the output score is returned.

Returns:the median score
Return type:decimal

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the root mean square of the score.

If this system is based on grades, the RMS of the output score is returned.

Returns:the median score
Return type:decimal

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the standard deviation.

If this system is based on grades, the spread of the output scores is returned.

Returns:the standard deviation
Return type:decimal

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the sum of the scores.

If this system is based on grades, the sum of the output scores is returned.

Returns:the median score
Return type:decimal

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the gradebook column summary record corresponding to the given GradebookColumnSummary record Type.

This method is used to retrieve an object implementing the requested record. The gradebook_column_summary_record_type may be the Type returned in get_record_types() or any of its parents in a Type hierarchy where has_record_type(gradebook_column_summary_record_type) is true .

Parameters:gradebook_column_summary_record_type (osid.type.Type) – the type of the record to retrieve
Returns:the gradebook column summary record
Return type:osid.grading.records.GradebookColumnSummaryRecord
Raise:NullArgumentgradebook_column_summary_record_type is null
Raise:OperationFailed – unable to complete request
Raise:Unsupportedhas_record_type(gradebook_column_summary_record_type) is false

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


class dlkit.grading.objects.Gradebook(abc_grading_objects.Gradebook, osid_objects.OsidCatalog)

Gets the gradebook record corresponding to the given Gradebook record Type.

This method is used to retrieve an object implementing the requested record. The gradebook_record_type may be the Type returned in get_record_types() or any of its parents in a Type hierarchy where has_record_type(gradebook_record_type) is true .

Parameters:gradebook_record_type (osid.type.Type) – a gradebook record type
Returns:the gradebook record
Return type:osid.grading.records.GradebookRecord
Raise:NullArgumentgradebook_record_type is null
Raise:OperationFailed – unable to complete request
Raise:Unsupportedhas_record_type(gradebook_record_type) is false

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.

Gradebook Form

class dlkit.grading.objects.GradebookForm

Bases: dlkit.osid.objects.OsidCatalogForm

This is the form for creating and updating Gradebooks.

Like all OsidForm objects, various data elements may be set here for use in the create and update methods in the GradebookAdminSession. For each data element that may be set, metadata may be examined to provide display hints or data constraints.


Gets the GradebookFormRecord corresponding to the given gradebook record Type.

Parameters:gradebook_record_type (osid.type.Type) – a gradebook record type
Returns:the gradebook form record
Return type:osid.grading.records.GradebookFormRecord
Raise:NullArgumentgradebook_record_type is null
Raise:OperationFailed – unable to complete request
Raise:Unsupportedhas_record_type(gradebook_record_type) is false

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.

Gradebook List

class dlkit.grading.objects.GradebookList

Bases: dlkit.osid.objects.OsidList

Like all OsidLists, GradebookList provides a means for accessing Gradebook elements sequentially either one at a time or many at a time.

Examples: while (gl.hasNext()) { Gradebook gradebook = gl.getNextGradebook(); }

while (gl.hasNext()) {
Gradebook[] gradebooks = gl.getNextGradebooks(gl.available());



Gets the next Gradebook in this list.

Returns:the next Gradebook in this list. The has_next() method should be used to test that a next Gradebook is available before calling this method.
Return type:osid.grading.Gradebook
Raise:IllegalState – no more elements available in this list
Raise:OperationFailed – unable to complete request

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the next set of Gradebook elements in this list which must be less than or equal to the return from available().

Parameters:n (cardinal) – the number of Gradebook elements requested which must be less than or equal to available()
Returns:an array of Gradebook elements.The length of the array is less than or equal to the number specified.
Return type:osid.grading.Gradebook
Raise:IllegalState – no more elements available in this list
Raise:OperationFailed – unable to complete request

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.

Gradebook Node

class dlkit.grading.objects.GradebookNode

Bases: dlkit.osid.objects.OsidNode

This interface is a container for a partial hierarchy retrieval.

The number of hierarchy levels traversable through this interface depend on the number of levels requested in the GradebookHierarchySession.


Gets the Gradebook at this node.

Returns:the gradebook represented by this node
Return type:osid.grading.Gradebook

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the parents of this gradebook.

Returns:the parents of the id
Return type:osid.grading.GradebookNodeList

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the children of this gradebook.

Returns:the children of this gradebook
Return type:osid.grading.GradebookNodeList

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.

Gradebook Node List

class dlkit.grading.objects.GradebookNodeList

Bases: dlkit.osid.objects.OsidList

Like all OsidLists, GradebookNodeList provides a means for accessing GradebookNode elements sequentially either one at a time or many at a time.

Examples: while (gnl.hasNext()) { GradebookNode node = gnl.getNextGradebookNode(); }

while (gnl.hasNext()) {
GradebookNode[] nodes = gnl.getNextGradebookNodes(gnl.available());



Gets the next GradebookNode in this list.

Returns:the next GradebookNode in this list. The has_next() method should be used to test that a next GradebookNode is available before calling this method.
Return type:osid.grading.GradebookNode
Raise:IllegalState – no more elements available in this list
Raise:OperationFailed – unable to complete request

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the next set of GradebookNode elements in this list which must be less than or equal to the return from available().

Parameters:n (cardinal) – the number of GradebookNode elements requested which must be less than or equal to available()
Returns:an array of GradebookNode elements.The length of the array is less than or equal to the number specified.
Return type:osid.grading.GradebookNode
Raise:IllegalState – no more elements available in this list
Raise:OperationFailed – unable to complete request

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.