
Type Form

class dlkit.type.objects.TypeForm

Bases: dlkit.osid.objects.OsidForm

This form provides a means of updating various fields in the Type.

Note that the domain, authority and identifier are part of the Type identification, and as such not modifiable.


Gets the metadata for the display name.

Returns:metadata for the display name
Return type:osid.Metadata

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the metadata for the display label.

Returns:metadata for the display label
Return type:osid.Metadata

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the metadata for the description.

Returns:metadata for the description
Return type:osid.Metadata

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the metadata for the domain.

Returns:metadata for the domain
Return type:osid.Metadata

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Type List

class dlkit.type.objects.TypeList

Bases: dlkit.osid.objects.OsidList

Like all OsidLists, TypeList provides a means for accessing Type elements sequentially either one at a time or many at a time.

Examples: while (tl.hasNext()) { Type type = tl.getNextType(); }

while (tl.hasNext()) {
Type[] types = tl.getNextTypes(tl.available());



Gets the next Type in this list.

Returns:the next Type in this list. The has_next() method should be used to test that a next Type is available before calling this method.
Return type:osid.type.Type
Raise:IllegalState – no more elements available in this list
Raise:OperationFailed – unable to complete request

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.


Gets the next set of Types in this list.

The specified amount must be less than or equal to the return from available().

Parameters:n (cardinal) – the number of Type elements requested which must be less than or equal to available()
Returns:an array of Type elements.The length of the array is less than or equal to the number specified.
Return type:osid.type.Type
Raise:IllegalState – no more elements available in this list
Raise:OperationFailed – unable to complete request

compliance: mandatory – This method must be implemented.